Monday, January 31, 2011
What is Park Jung Min’s goal for this year ?
'Sexy karisma' Park Jung Min, revealed his surprise goal for 2011.
On the 30th, this singer guested on SBS’s “Kim Jung Eun’s Chocolate” and provided a surprising response to the question, “What do you think your ‘charm point’ is?” The star said, ”My goal for this year is to become the number one guy you would want to hug.”
Park Jung Min then continued, “Since my title song is related to ’sexy charisma’, I was thinking ‘What is there that matched this title’ and decided to make my goal to become the number one guy you would want to hug.”
Considering his answer, MC Kim Jung Eun wittingly retorted, “I think I would have to hug you to know.” The singer accepted Kim Jung Eun’s request as the two hugged. Yet Kim Jung Eun continued to joke, “I can’t really tell with only one hug,” and the two ended up hugging a second time.
Afterwards, Park Jung Min cleverly said, “My subtitle is the guy you cannot forget after just one hug,” and caused not only Kim Jung Eun, but the audience members to laugh as well.
Meanwhile, Park Jung Min performed ‘Not Alone’ and a cover of the song, ‘Aspirin.’
MBLAQ’s Mir confesses he has a serious phobia of needles
On a recent broadcast of SBS’s “Bae Ki Wan, Choi Young Ah & Jo Hyung Ki’s Good Morning”, MBLAQ Mir confessed that he has a phobia of needles.
He said " There was a time when my left arm broke, and when I went to the hospital the nurse injected a needle more than 10 times but kept failing. I developed my needle phobia after that incident. ”
After that one of the member 'seungho' said " I think he’s scared of anything pointy that makes contact with his body. He’s even scared of acupuncture. ”
Sunday, January 30, 2011
It was recently announced that idol group TEEN TOP will make their advancement into Japan after only six months into their debut.
“TEEN TOP have been receiving endless love calls from Japanese associates and have recently been active in promotions in both Korea and Japan. TEEN TOP will officially attend events and begin pre-promotions and broadcast appearances as of early February,” stated TOP Media.
They continued, “As we’ve been receiving an overflowing amount of love calls from Japan only six months into TEEN TOP’s debut, we have decided to promote in both countries simultaneously. We have begun counting down for the group’s official Japanese debut with major record labels and distributors.”
SuJu , kyaaaa
Super Junior members show off their witty sides in Heechul’s Twitter picture.
Remember Heechul’s button hair? Well Heechul uploaded another photo for the series with the caption, “HEEHEE & MASI & RYEONG9 & GAMEGYU.” Fans got to see Heechul’s groupmates Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, and Choi Si Won make a cameo in his photo.
Heechul is seen with his blond wig once more, and Choi Si Won dons a black tank top that shows off his muscular body. Kyuhyun, on the other hand, was seen staring the camera down with a smirk while Ryeowook posed with a cute V-sign.
Netizens who saw this photo commented, “Kim Heechul is prettier than most girls.” “Choi Si Won’s muscles are very attractive” “It looks like SuJu members are very close to each other.”
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Yesung's accident
Super Junior’s Leeteuk and Heechul were involved in a minor car accident recently, rumored to have been caused by overly zealous fans who chased them in their cars. this is the report on what appears to be a rather serious incident involving member Yesung and a fan’s light stick during their “Super Show 3“ concert in Singapore.
A fan cam from the concert captured the incident in its entirety. In the clip you can see the members of Super Junior freely roaming about their stage while singing ‘Wonder Boy,’ when all of a sudden, a fan threw their light stick towards the stage, making a direct hit with Yesung’s face.
The impact caused Yesung to double over while clutching his face, and it’s caused many to wonder if the projectile had hit him in the eye.
If the fan had thrown the light stick to get their attention, she got exactly what she wanted, but I’m sure she got the attention of surrounding E.L.Fs as well.
Nichkhun cooks spaghetti for Victoria on “We Got Married”
On the ‘Khuntoria’ segment of January 29th’s “We Got Married,” 2PM’s Nichkhun earned the nickname of ‘Chef Khun’ by preparing a spaghetti dish for his wife, f(x)’s Victoria.
Having created the tomato sauce from scratch, he revealed his satisfaction with the outcome in his black room interview. “Even I think it came out a bit nice. Although Victoria was full, she ate it all up right to the end.” Nichkhun completed his role as the caring husband by doing the dishes after wards as well.
Fans of the couple were also able to notice just how much more comfortable and closer they got after their trip to Thailand. The two aren’t as hesitant in initiating skin ship anymore and express their affections for one another more often.
Later in the episode, Victoria visited the set of 2PM’s comeback stage with handmade lunch boxes, and Nichkhun greeted her with a surprised, but overjoyed smile.
In his black room interview, Nichkhun expressed how much her visit had impacted him by saying, “I hadn’t seen her in such a long while, I wanted to give her a hug.”
When asked why, he replied, “Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to because there were other people around us.”
'cooking cooking cooking'
Super Junior (funny)
- Heechul ke Siwon: “Bagaimana kamu bisa tidak takut pada setan?” Siwon: “Kamu juga bisa. Pergi ke gereja.” Heechul: “Aissh!! Lagi-lagi dengan gereja!” Leeteuk: “Amen.”
- Heechul: “Kenapa semua bannerku di China dibacanya princess?” Manager: “Itu..Hankyung adalah Pangeran China. Jadi kamu Princess-nya.”
- Eunhyuk: “Ketika Donghae ada jadwal ke luar negeri, celanaku menghilang. Hae, kenapa mengambil pakaianku?!”
- “Saat kamu depresi, poop-lah….” – Eunhyuk
- MC: “Kyuhyun, olahraga apa yang kamu suka?” Kyuhyun: “Aku berada di departemen Matematika. Aku memenangkan grand prize di Olimpiade Matematika.”
- Eunhyuk: “Sebelumnya, saat aku pertamakali melihat Donghae, aku sangat menyukainya.” Donghae; “APAAA???!!”
- Heechul: “Kurasa kamu benar-benar good looking ~ manly dan keren.” Siwon: “Salah, hyung. Kamu cantik.” Heechul: *tersenyum* “Aku tahu….”
- Heechul: “Kamu Simba!” Siwon: “Kenapa hanya aku yang dipanggil binatang?” Heechul: “Makanya jangan!” Siwon: “Simba akan melindungi Cinderella! Itu mengagumkan, hyung!”
- Donghae pada Eunhyuk: “Dia bilang aku ayahnya, tetapi dia selalu membandingkanku dengan orang lain , “Mengapa kamu tidak bisa menjadi seperti dia!” Aku sangat sedih.”
- MC: “Dia adalah seorang member Super Junior.” Perempuan: “Apa… Super Junior?” MC : “Kamu tidak tahu Super Junior?” Yesung: “Apakah kamu tidak punya TV di rumah?”
- Leeteuk: “Kamu tidak dapat menemukan magnae di lain grup yang lebih kasar daripada Kyuhyun!”
- ELF: “Oppa, bilang padaku; ‘Seoyoung-ah, saranghae!’ Kyuhyun: “Seoyoung-ah, saranghae… Tapi aku lebih mencintai Sungmin hyung.”
- Zhoumi: “Henry! Terlambat! Sudah, pergi tidur! Matikan laptopmu!” Henry: “Iya, Mom.” Zhoumi: “KAMU MEMANGGILKU APA?” Henry: *kabur*
- Kyuhyun: “Sungmin-ah, kamu adalah milikku. Jangan berikan hatimu kepada orang lain, khususnya Kangin.”
- “Jika kamu ingin hidup, jangan biarkan Donghae menyetir!”-Eunhyuk.
- “Aku Yesung. Aku punya suara yang paling indah di grup.” Kata Yesung pada Ddabbong, anjingnya Ryeowook.
- Leeteuk: “Di masa depan ketika aku menikah, aku berharap istriku dapat memanggilku Teuk Oppa~” –Sukira.
- *Leeteuk curhat pada Eunhyuk*/ Donghae ke Leeteuk : *jealous* “Apalagi sekarang?! Kamu hanya peduli pada Eunhyuk, AKU TIDAK PEDULI lagi!” – Sukira.
- “Aku oke-oke saja dengan pernikahan multinasional, asing juga oke-oke saja. Campuran darah bayi sangat cantik.”- Leeteuk.
- “Aku merasa terhormat untuk mengetahui Donghae Hyung, tapi ketika aku bersama dia, aku merasa seperti aku hyung-nya.” – Kyuhyun.
- Editor: “Diantara cinta dan persahabatan, member mana yang mungkin memilih persahabatan?” Siwon, Sungmin, Yesung : “PASTINYA BUKAN Eunhyuk!” –Cosmo.
- Leeteuk: “Aku berharap aku bisa menikahi seorang gadis yang tahu caranya memasak makanan dengan baik. Aku hanya suka melihatnya memasak.” Eunhyuk: “Yaya… Bahagianya cowok itu.”
- Yoona: “Oppa, aku selalu melakukan hal-hal imut untuk oppa, aku imut kan?” Heechul: “Nggak, Taeyeon masih lebih imut.” – Nylon.
- Yesung: “Dan suatu ketika jika orang melihat gambar Super Junior, mereka akan stress.” Sungmin: “Mereka harusnya gak melihat Yesung.”
- KG: “Siapa yang punya tangan paling jelek di Super Junior?” Sungmin: “YESUNG HYUUUNGG!! Jari-jarinya pendek tapi kedua tangannya besar. Jadi, itu gak seimbang.”
- Eunhyuk: “Kamu makan nasimu sangat cepat, kan?” Leeteuk: “Ya, sama dengan Shindong. Dia gak makan nasinya, dia MEMINUM nasinya.”
- Ryeowook: “Kangin hyung tampan, Leeteuk hyung juga.” *berbalik dan melihat Eunhyuk* “Cuma Eunhyuk hyung yang gak seperti itu.” – Star Golden Bell.
- Ryeowook: “Aku ingin menikah dengan Donghae.” Donghae: “Aku tidak bisa.” Ryeowook: “Masalahnya aku bukan seorang perempuan”KG: “Di negara lain mereka diperbolehkan menikah secara gay.”
- PD: “Kamu selalu di depan.” Eunhyuk: “Aku gak punya pilihan. Agar albumnya laku, kamu perlu seseorang yang publik akan disukai.”
- Q: “Member mana yang sangat kamu inginkan?” Yesung: “Yesung. Karena dia penuh dengan kepercayaan.” – Easy Magazine.
- MC: “Ryeowook, seperti apa Super Girl-mu?” Ryeowook: “Supergirl-ku adalah…. Anak perempuanku di masa depan.” –Sohu.
- Diantara member Super Junior, Donghae merasa paling aneh dengan Sungmin, sedangkan Kyuhyun dengan Leeteuk – Good Morning Show.
- MC: “Apa yang kamu pikir bagian paling seksi dari tubuhmu?” Hangeng: “Kakiku yang panjang.”
- Kangin: “Aku benci saat orang lain menyentuhku.” Sungmin: “Tapi kamu suka saat aku menyentuhmu.” Kangin: “Tapi kamu… Kamu dan aku adalah satu.”
- Sungmin: *jealous* “Aku berbagi kamar dengan Kyuhyun dan dia sangat serius sampai lima jam kencan dengan komputer.”
- Leeteuk: “… Dan juga, istri! Siapa istri Eunhyuk?!” Eunhyuk: “Aku? Istriku? Tapi Donghae adalah istriku!”- Sukira
- ELF: “Yesung Oppa, suara seksimu yang terbaik! Aku meleleh ketika mendengar suaramu.” Kyuhyun: “BOHONG! Jika kamu meleleh, kamu sudah mati sekarang!”
- ELF: “Evil-ku, plis balas aku, PLEASE??” Kyuhyun: “Apa yang kamu maksud dengan ‘EVIL’? Aku? YAA!!! Aku pastilah seorang malaikat keindahan!”
- Leeteuk pada Eunhyuk: “Kupikir diantara semua member, kamu dan Shindong yang akan menikah duluan.”
- Sungmin: “Kyuhyun-ah?” Kyuhyun: “Ya?” Sungmin: “Aku mencintaimu.” Kyuhyun: “Aku juga mencintaimu.”
- Fan: “Cuacanya terlalu dingin akan meniup kalian.” Kyuhyun: “Kita berat, terutama Shindong.”
- Kangin pernah bilang ke Leeteuk: “Hyung, biarkan aku melindungimu sepanjang hidupku.”
- Saat fanmeeting, Leeteuk memegang tangan Kangin dan berkata “Kita adalah Kangteuk, Kang Teuk.” Dia mengucapkannya itu berulang kali dan Kangin bilang padanya “Ya, Kangteuk.”
- Di akhir fanmeeting, Leeteuk bilang ke Eunhyuk “EunTeuk… Aku masih punya Kangteuk!!”
- ELF: “Oppa, aku harus memilih EunTeuk apa KangTeuk?” Kyuhyun: “KYUTEUK!”- UFO Replies.
- Kyuhyun: “Aku tidak akan menggunakan bahasa formal. Lebih bagus kalau jadi anonim.”
- Hangeng: “Kita berdua adalah idiot.” Heechul: “Puahahahahahaha~! Memang, kita berdua member dengan hubungan yang sangat baik.”
- Heechul: “Aku bercanda denganmu karena aku suka padamu.” Siwon: “Hyung! Aku gak punya apapun tapi kamu!!” *lalu Siwon memeluk Heechul*
- SMS Kangin (bercanda) : “Aku di toilet tapi disini gak ada tisu toilet.” Sungmin: *panik* “Aku akan kesana dan membawakanmu tisu toilet.”
- Eunhyuk: *membawa sebuket bunga* “Aku akan menikah!” Donghae: *mengambil buket itu dan memukul Eunhyuk, jealous* Eunhyuk: “ELF dan aku…”
‘Dream High’
KBS Drama ‘Dream High,’ which is currently 1st in it’s time slot, has caught the attention of many when it was recently revealed that the set of the drama costs nearly $800,000 USD. Normally, a set of a drama costs around $200,000 – $300,000 USD, showing an extremely big gap for Dream High. The set of ‘Dream High,’ which is located in Kyungkido Goyangsi Ilsan, didn’t remodel the Girin High School that was already there but instead built a brand new two-story building. Including interior designing, and the construction cost the set was to have cost nearly $800,000 USD. Meanwhile, the set of ‘Dream High’ will be open for fans to visit once the drama ends.
"Dream High" takes place at Kirin High School of Art and follows the lives of students as they aspire to become superstars.
Song Sam-Dong (Kim Soo-Hyun) lives in the country side and dreams of becoming an owner of a stock farm. He falls in love with Ko Hye-Mi (Bae Suji) at first sight and follows her to Kirin High School of Art. There he discovers his genius like musical talent.
Jin-Gook (TaecYeon) is a gifted dancer, but a troubled student at school. The director of Kirin High School of Art ((Bae Yong-Jun)) recommends to Jin-Gook to enroll at his school. There, Jin-Gook's talents blossom and he now dreams of becoming a global star.
Exchange student Jason (Wooyoung) comes to Kirin High after receiving the top score for new applicants. He comes from abroad and shows outstanding skills as a dancer.
Ko Hye-Mi (Bae Suji) is the most popular girl at Kirin High. She carries herself as a confident girl, but inside hides a sad past. She dreamed of becoming a world renown classical vocalist, but after the collapse of her family she had no choice but to enter Kirin High School of Art. She is loved by Song Sam-Dong and Jin-Gook.
Yoon Becky (Eun Jung) looks up to Ko Hye-Mi, who appears to have everything. They soon become rivals.
Eria (Yoon Young-Ah) is a popular teen star. She enters Kirin High School of Art and becomes the object of admiration by her peers. She looks forward to having a "regular" school life.
40 Kutipan Dari artis KPOP!
1. “Butuh waktu lima tahun untuk sampai ke tempat saya, sekarang saya tidak menyesal sekalipun. Saya sangat bahagia.. Saya pikir setiap tahun yang berlalu saya telah lebih banyak belajar hal-hal baru. Saya tidak menyesal. ” -Gina Choi (G.NA)
2. “Semuanya akan baik selama Anda melakukan yang terbaik Karena jika Anda melakukannya, tidak akan ada penyesalan..” -Tiffany (SNSD)
3. “Kami masing-masing memiliki sejarah kita sendiri.” -Yong Junhyung (BEAST)
4. “Saya tidak suka berkelahi.” -Seungri (Big Bang)
5. “Orang yang paling berharga dalam hidup adalah orang yang tepat di depan mata Anda..” -Junho (2PM)
6. “Jangan khawatir, hanya percaya pada SS501 dan itu sudah cukup.” -Kim Hyun Joong (SS501)
7. “Saya lebih suka hanya memikirkan segala sesuatu secara positif.” -Minzy (2NE1)
8. “Setelah itu, saya hanya melepaskan kewarasan saya dan menikmatinya.” -Dara (2NE1)
9. “Saya pikir semua orang di dunia ini harus dicintai.” -Taemin (SHINEE)
10. “Leeteuk hyung lebih kuat daripada Kangin. Kangin hyung memiliki kekuatan di luar tapi dia lebih kuat di dalam ~” -Sungmin (Super Junior)
11. “Saya tidak tahu sekarang. Perkawinan adalah sesuatu yang ingin saya lakukan dengan seseorang yang aku suka..” -Victoria f(x)
12. “Sepuluh tahun berlalu seperti peluru.” -BoA
13. “Karena tujuan kami adalah untuk menjadi kelompok tari terbaik di Asia, saya percaya bahwa keragaman membantu kita mencapai itu.” -Luna f(x)
14. “Kami benar-benar menyenangkan dan lucu dalam kehidupan nyata tapi kami harus kuat mengendalikan diri.” -Junyoung (ZE;A)
15. “Jangan pernah lupa untuk tersenyum.” -Taemin (SHINEE)
16. “Saya ingin belajar untuk mengekspresikan diri melalui bahasa serta musik dan tari.” -Changmin (DBSK)
17. “Saya bisa mengatasi pikiran negatif dan perasaan akumulasi dalam diriku, melalui musik.” -Taeyang (Big Bang)
18. “Bagi saya, semua ibu di dunia adalah dewi saya.” -Yoseob (BEAST)
19. “Saya harap saya bisa bertemu seorang gadis lembut yang bisa menghabiskan hidup tanpa dikejar oleh waktu, kehidupan yang santai dan nyaman.” -Kyujong (SS501)
20. “Saya suka One Piece tapi saya juga suka Naruto!” -Cheondung (MBLAQ)
21. “Aku adalah tipe orang yang menjadi pemalu di depan orang-orang baru dan canggung untuk berbicara dan tertawa dengan mereka.” -Nana (Afterschool)
22. “Saya sangat suka komik, saya memiliki ratusan komik di rumah.” -Mir (MBLAQ)
23. “Ketika saya berbicara cepat, saya sering membuat kesalahan..” -Lizzie (Afterschool)
24. “Sekarang aku berpikir tentang hal itu, saya sangat berterima kasih kepada ibu saya.” -Nana (Afterschool)
25. “Tapi sekarang saya mencoba untuk memikirkan cara untuk mengetahui lagu dengan cara saya sendiri.” -BoA
26. “Itu sebabnya, jangan buang waktu anda untuk membenci siapapun. Kasihilah semua orang di sekitar Anda.” -Alexander (U-Kiss)
27. “Penampilan tidak penting, yang penting adalah bahwa mereka memiliki hati yang baik.” -Changmin (DBSK)
28. “Saya pikir saya sudah menjadi lebih sadar akan apa yang saya inginkan untuk diriku sendiri.” -Changmin (DBSK)
29. “Aku suka berpetualang” -BoA
30. “Anda harus gila untuk menjadi gila.” -Chansung (2PM)
31. “Di mana pun anak-anak pergi, saya ingin pergi bersama-sama dengan mereka.” -Heechul (ZE;A)
32. “Saya juga menulis buku harian terus menerus dengan perasaan.” -Changmin (DBSK)
33. “Fakta, perdamaian, dan pengampunan, adalah hal-hal yang kita butuhkan untuk mencapai perdamaian dunia.” -Kyujong (SS501)
34. “Jangan tergantung pada keberuntungan untuk memecahkan masalah.” -Kyujong (SS501)
35. “Jika saya bertemu wanita ideal saya, saya ingin langsung menikah dan mulai membuat dunia hanya untuk kami berdua..” -GDragon (Big Bang)
36. “Walaupun sulit, kami memiliki gairah kuat untuk melanjutkan.” -Luna f(x)
37. “Baru-baru ini … Ada saat-saat di mana aku merasa sangat kesepian.” -GDragon (Big Bang)
38. “Jika mimpi Anda masih hidup, maka suatu hari itu akan menjadi kenyataan.” -Seohyun (SNSD)
39. “Selalu tersenyum menjalani hidup Anda.” -YoungSaeng (SS501)
40. “Pertama, sesungguhnya ada banyak hal yang bisa kita pelajari.” -Taemin (SHINEE)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Jewelry releases “Back It Up” MV

Jewelry has finally unveiled the music video for their comeback track, “Back it Up”!
The video shows off the group’s fun new style, and also introduces their two new members – Park Se Mi and Kim Ye Won.
Park Bom's (2NE1) New Twitter
Fans have found 2NE1 Park Bom's Twitter (@harooluvstar) recently. However, what surprised most fans is that she has had a Twitter since June 2010! We previously reported that 2NE1's Minzy@mingkki21 was the first member of the group to get a Twitter. But no one was aware of Park Bom's account, therefore it makes Park Bom the first 2NE1 member to have a Twitter.
Now only 2NE1's leader CL and Sandara are left without a Twitter. Will they join the 'Twitter craze' soon? Let's hope so!
Heechul's tweetland
Heechul's interview in GQ stirs up controversy
In a GQ interview, Heechul had commented, "Of course I have a lot of problems with the company too. But I don't think I need to complain about it to the public. Honestly, do I make little money? No. They talk about slave contracts all over the place now. But the funny things is, what kind of slave buys building for parents? What kind of slave has a car? What kind of slave has the time to play around drinking?"
Some Cassiopeians that read this assumed that it was meant to be a jab toward the JYJ members and have gotten furious. Although Heechul has ignored most of the attacks toward him, it seems like he has finally reached his limit; he has recently retweeted one of the aggressive tweet towards him and commented, "Wow, you really can't speak properly..."
The attack tweet said, "Don't butt in, did you throw away your common sense in the Han River?? Or did you sell it in the market?? Why are you stick your nose in places you shouldn't, you slave ㅡㅡ Ah... Did your master order you to say something like that since you're the slave?? Why don't you just shut up and just be average??"
The problem that Heechul pointed out was in reference to her grammar and spelling. When ELF saw the attacks, they stormed to the offender's twitter and started to attack her back. She quickly apologized by saying, "It's my business what I tweet. But I'm sorry I was so harsh. I didn't think he would RT. I'm sorry I was so harsh to Heechul and I'm sorry I acted without thinking about the consequences. ㅠ Sorry~ Just think of it as aegyo. Heechul, I'm sorry, let's make up. Sorry. ㅠ" and has deleted all of her attacks toward Heechul.
However, ELF weren't so quick to forgive her, and many have spread the news of what she has said to ensure that her actions won't be forgotten. As more and more Korean ELF are starting to get up for the morning, more and more are starting to flood her Twitter. What do you think about the whole incident?
Heechul responds to antis on Twitter
A few hours ago, Heechul had retweeted an anti's tweet. She ended up deleting not only her posts but also her Twitter account. However, his actions caused him to get even more attacks, and he has just replied to all of them in a long essay on his Twitter.
He tweeted:
"Worry about the country, the society, and the economy in that time. When you have the time to read Internet replies, read a newspaper article.. What's the point of being able to read if you can't understand what you're reading.. You have no start and finish and it's all illogical. If you just stay silent, at least you'll be average. Arf arf~"
"I doubt most of the country cares about me or all of you. In fact, I don't even know if they'll see this post. They just say it's fun if I say it is and say it's not if I say it's not.. You all act like you're the spokespeople for the whole country."
"Have you tried doing something good for your parents while you have time to bash someone? Turn the light on in your room instead of your eyes and draw out your future. But I guess I'm just as childish for fighting the people shitting on me here.. If you're gonna shit on something, go do it in your bathroom."
"Also, you red-eyed dogs that don't have anything to rip apart. I guess you know you did wrong, because when something comes out you make it into something big and go insane... You are part of the public and you are part of the country, but you're neither the whole public nor the entire country."
"I can do good things for my parents, and I'm thankful that I have something I can call my own.. Do I seem like a slave to you? I'm sure all of the people who have experienced society doesn't think so. I don't know if you'll see this or not, but I'm going to thank all those people ^-^"
"Let me ask all of the public. Do I seem like a slave? Do I seem not free? Before I was a celebrity, I was like every other man and I've done part-time and full-time jobs. I don't know if it's because I've been in the society for a bit, but I'm thankful for the way I am now."
Seems like he's getting really worked up! What do you think about this whole ordeal?
This is the message from Cassiopeia to E.L.F
To. E.L.F
일단, 정말죄송합니다..여러분의영원한친구,여러분이사랑하고응원하는분에게막말한점정말사과드려요..다들많이예민해져서그렇다고생각하시면좋겠습니다.. 사실많이부럽거든요..다섯명을좋아하면..잡팬이래요..^^..많이힘들고요..엘프분들은그래도..슈퍼주니어오빠들이옆에서응원해주고..아껴주 잖아요..저희는..저희가다퍼주는데도..곁에없어요..카시오페아는엘프의남편..엘프는카시오페아의예쁜부인..우리이때까지그렇게잘지냈으니 까..앞으로도서로..그렇게..예쁘게..같이울고..웃을수있으면좋겠어요..정말죄송합니다..
B. Dolls - Winter Story
Monday, January 24, 2011
GD ft. TOP - Knock Out
G.Na - I Miss You Already [teaser]
Superstar K2’s Kim Bo Kyung - “Haru Haru” MV
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
K - C H A R T
C H A R T :
1. Good Day(좋은 날) - IU
2. Oh Yeah - GD&TOP (Big Bang)
3. High High - GD&TOP (Big Bang)
4. How Dare You(니까짓게) - Sistar
5. 사랑이 고프다(I Promise You) - Park Hyo Shin(박효신)
6. Merry Christmas in Advance (미리 메리 크리스마스) - IU
7. Why Are You Being Like This(왜 이러니) - T-ara
8. If It's Same(똑 같다면) - Brown Eyed Soul
Taeyeon first musical

This is the first time fot Taeyeon to play in a musical.
In this musical, The Sun’s Song, Taeyeon will be the main character.
Taeyeon will act as a girl that has XP (xeroderma pigmentosum), a
disorder that doesn’t let you have exposure to sunlight in extreme
The original of this musical is taken from Japanese novel, drama and movie, called Taiyou no Uta or Midnight Sun. In Japanese version, the casts starring Erika Sawajiri and RUI.
donghae ~.~
Below Shindong provide leak, about the difficult living with people named Lee Donghae
Shindong : I want to say something to Donghae. That he should apologize to me! than others, it does clothing - my clothes are among the most "elastic", why Eetuk Donghae-hyung and often use my clothes as a blanket. In fact, not infrequently, when just finished drying my clothes and dry, they took it quietly - quietly and directly use it as a blanket ... and I myself can not speak what is - what else! I've been reminded a thousand times Donghae, but I did not say anything against Eetuk-hyung! Hahahaha ~ ~
Shindong : I want to say something to Donghae. That he should apologize to me! than others, it does clothing - my clothes are among the most "elastic", why Eetuk Donghae-hyung and often use my clothes as a blanket. In fact, not infrequently, when just finished drying my clothes and dry, they took it quietly - quietly and directly use it as a blanket ... and I myself can not speak what is - what else! I've been reminded a thousand times Donghae, but I did not say anything against Eetuk-hyung! Hahahaha ~ ~
Ryeowook : Not that there's more?
kim shinyoung : Huh exist anymore?
Ryeowook : computer Problem!
Shindong : Ah yes the computer! This time dealing with computers. Actually, it is fair when used in a long enough period of time, whose name electronic goods that it would be damaged. But, try to imagine you guys! ... Until now I've changed my hard disk 4 times because of damage!
Ryeowook : Donghae, he who destroyed it!
Ryeowook : Donghae, he who destroyed it!
Shindong : That's right ... just imagine ... the new computer I bought just a week, directly dirusaknya.
Donghae : Ah .. about that, I admit ..., my luck was not too good!. It happened outside my estimate ... then computerku not want to connect to the internet. So I went to the room Shindong, and I happened to see her computer on and connected to the internet. So I borrowed a minute for browsing - browsing, checking SuperJunior's rank, and search for news, and when finished, I berinsiatif turn off his computer, if allowed to continue to burn her affection electricity. But not long after, Shindong-hyung came over and asked, "Who touched my computer", and I said ... I'm a mamatikannya! tapitidak thought at all if the computer even the total dead!
Shindong :After Donghae wear it, my computer will not start again! Ryeowook, Donghae's hands it could supply power and make the goods - goods konslet.
Donghae : Ah .. about that, I admit ..., my luck was not too good!. It happened outside my estimate ... then computerku not want to connect to the internet. So I went to the room Shindong, and I happened to see her computer on and connected to the internet. So I borrowed a minute for browsing - browsing, checking SuperJunior's rank, and search for news, and when finished, I berinsiatif turn off his computer, if allowed to continue to burn her affection electricity. But not long after, Shindong-hyung came over and asked, "Who touched my computer", and I said ... I'm a mamatikannya! tapitidak thought at all if the computer even the total dead!
Shindong :After Donghae wear it, my computer will not start again! Ryeowook, Donghae's hands it could supply power and make the goods - goods konslet.
Donghae : Before this I also have 2 computers in a room damage Ryeowook.
kim shinyoung :So the total is how much are you broken?
Ryeowook :because of computer, for the first time I was angry at Donghae!
Shindong : But now it does not matter
Ryeowook : Can understandable!
Kyuhyun : Just look Donghae, all electronics can die completely.
Donghae : Actually, when I was younger, my father had often warned me not to touch the equipment - electronic equipment at home
Kangin : That's why, when we all buy a new phone and Donghae wanted to see it, we all afraid .
Shindong : We can not let him see a new mobile phone
Kangin : That's why, when we all buy a new phone and Donghae wanted to see it, we all afraid .
Shindong : We can not let him see a new mobile phone
SNSD releases “Beautiful Girls” music video featuring Yoo Young Jin
“Beautiful Girls” is the bonus track off SNSD’s first live album, ”Into the new world“, and just moments ago, the music video for this song was released!
Check it out !
Dal Shabet verify themselves on Me2day
Dal Shabet, E-TRIBE’s very first girl group, became the newest members of the Me2day community.
Viki, Serri, Ayoung, Jiyul, Kaeun, and Subin uploaded cute pictures of themselves with a placard reading “Verification” in order to prove that they’re the real users behind the accounts.
Through their individual accounts, the girls have been sharing pictures and information regarding their upcoming debut with their fans.
Netizens commented, “They’re so good at singing, I’ll watch on” and “So cute and pretty.”
Dal Shabet is scheduled to comeback on January 6th through Mnet’s “M. Countdown” with their title track, “Supa Dupa Diva.”
Supa Dupa Diva MV - Dal Shabet
SECRET releases “Shy Boy” single + music video!
SECRET has finally released their comeback single album “Shy Boy” through online music sites.
Their title track, “Shy Boy”, was co-produced by Kang Jiwon and Kim Kibum, and it’s a fun dance track in the swing genre. Their music video was directed by Johnny Bro’s Hong Won Ki and features an American retro background from the 60s as its concept.
SECRET will be returning through Mnet’s “M! Countdown” on January 6th. Check out the MV for ‘Shy Boy’ and the track ‘No.1′ below. Remember to support them by purchasing the music.
What are the top girl groups up to this month?
Having led a busy year in 2010, girl groups are preparing for what seems like an even busier 2011, especially with fresh girl groups waiting to make their debut. Reporters from Star News went ahead to check up on what the top girl groups were up to in this first month of the new year.
KARA was revealed to be spending a majority of their time in Japan for their Tokyo TV drama, “URAKARA.“ DSP Media representatives stated, “KARA will be featured in the drama as themselves, and will be leaving for Japan on January 7th. They’ll be flying back and forth between Korea and Japan until the end of February.”
Leader Gyuri will be juggling a busier schedule than the rest of her members, as she’s an MC for MBC’s radio program, “Shimshimtapa.” DSP Media continued, “Gyuri will be going to Japan a day later and arriving in Korea a day earlier than the rest of her members in order to balance out her schedule.”
SNSD will also be leading a similar schedule, as SM Entertainment representatives revealed, “The girls took a short break after the year-end awards, and will be focusing on advertisement filmings and recording new songs for a week in mid-January. The official date for the new album has not been confirmed yet. At the end of the month, they’ll be heading to Japan for their promotions, and will join theSM Town concerts on the 25th and 26th.”
2NE1 is also focusing on preparing for their Japanese debut. Representatives of YG Entertainmentstated, “2NE1 will not be appearing on any broadcast programs in January, and will instead be completely focusing on their first Japanese single all month long. CF recordings that were pre-scheduled will go on as planned.” 2NE1 is scheduled for their Japanese debut in February.
The Wonder Girls will be staying in the U.S, as revealed by a JYP Entertainment representative, “The girls have taken breaks in Korea at the beginning and end of the year. They left for the U.S on the 5th, and will be appearing at an event in Las Vegas. They’ll then return to our base camp in New York to focus on their album preparations. Their U.S. advancement project is still being created, and we’re aiming to release a new album within the first half of the year.”
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